The Cutest Party Ever: Dogs Celebrate Grandma’s 89TH Birthday

Pay attention, young people: this is what success in life looks like.

This kind-hearted grandmother, named Maria, just celebrated her 89th birthday in her home country of Brazil. It was a small-scale event, nevertheless.

It was a celebration that most people can only imagine. You can see that Maria has many animal buddies.

At Grandma Maria’s home, her daughter and her daughter’s family reside at her home with ten adorable and jovial dogs. They regard Maria as the picture of love and compassion. And she makes sure that all of her dogs are well-fed.

The house is very busy. The Dodo was interviewed by Vitoria Abencoada, Maria’s daughter. She loves having pets in her house. She loves to snuggle up to them.

So it seemed only natural that on Maria’s birthday, all those puppies would throw a party.

As the party began, the dogs sat at the table next to Maria. Naturally, a birthday wouldn’t be complete without a birthday song.

Grandma Maria was bright in the midst of all the affection.

It was flawless.

The dogs took part in Grandma’s celebration and had a great time! Abencoada said. They participate in all pursuits.

Her love for animals and their adoration of her, though, has made things better for 89 years and counting.