The dog from the shelter immediately cheered him on when he spotted the family he had thought he had lost.

A dog like Neno, in the sanctuary’s opinion, could never be loved. After several compassionate individuals noticed him running around the streets with two other dogs, a cop was able to capture him. However, Neno lacked an identity chip or collar, so his history remained a mystery.

He was quite reticent and timid. When he was at the shelter, he was never able to adapt. Five days later, Neno was inspected and transferred to the adoption floor. However, he was miraculously found by his family. Neno moved out of his home in November.

His family searched for him for months, traveling and running advertising, but in vain. When they spotted the post on the shelter’s Facebook page and went to pick up their beloved pet, they only learned they already had one.

Neno’s attitude abruptly shifted as he watched his family enter the refuge. Fortunately, the worker pulled out her camera and snapped a picture of the heartwarming reunion. To make our dogs happy, we must take all necessary steps. What do you think this tale merits?