He spreads his legs out and offers her a soft embrace. This is the cutest scene to anticipate every day when you arrive home. The youngster just returned from school. When he arrives home, more people besides just his mother are waiting for him. In addition, his devoted dog is eagerly anticipating his arrival.
The dog watches the footage from their yard as his human brother exits the school bus and crosses the yard to reach him. The dog spreads its legs as it looks to be sprinting to meet the sibling midway.
The dog then likely did something that caused the legs to extend. He straightens up, embraces his sibling, and stands on his hind legs. What a considerate deed! The dog also resisted letting go. This is the cutest scene to anticipate every day when you arrive home.
Since his sister wasn’t shocked when the dog did that, it appears that it is a routine greeting for them. We may reasonably presume that these two spend their whole waking day together when the human is not in school.