Affectionate cat named Samuel was rescued from a small carrier where he had been trapped for most of his life

An exhausted cat, who spent two years in a plastic pet carrier, was taken to a Texas shelter.

Affectionate cat named Samuel was rescued from a small carrier where he had been trapped for most of his life

He was severely emaciated and miraculously survived. Samuel the cat was not needed by his owners.

It’s amazing that the former owners fed the pet.

Samuel the cat was in poor condition, his eyes almost did not open, and his fur was matted.

Affectionate cat named Samuel was rescued from a small carrier where he had been trapped for most of his life

But when the animal was taken out of the cage that served as his home, he immediately began to reach out to people and even purred.

Unfortunately, there was no one to look after him. The animal could have just been put down, but he was lucky.

The photo of Samuel, published on social media, drew attention to Leslie Raines, who works as an assistant veterinarian in Houston.

Affectionate cat named Samuel was rescued from a small carrier where he had been trapped for most of his life

She managed to negotiate with animal rights activists about the treatment of the cat, which was immediately taken to Raines’ office for examination.

Despite the disgusting condition of the pet, the treatment was successful, thanks to the efforts of the veterinarian, the courage of the cat and the financial support of the animal protection society “Purrfect Cat Rescue”.

After a while, the cat began to eat with appetite, went on the mend and Leslie began to take him to his home.

Affectionate cat named Samuel was rescued from a small carrier where he had been trapped for most of his life

The purring animal understood what human warmth and real care are.

But he was very afraid of the carrier. So he did not climb inside, but sat only on top of it.

The cat had to be taught to walk on his paws. He began to communicate with people and other cats, approached them without fear.

Now Samuel has a long smooth fur, he managed to find a devoted, faithful owner and friend.

Affectionate cat named Samuel was rescued from a small carrier where he had been trapped for most of his life

It was Bryan, who managed to find the key to the pet’s heart.

Now the cat lives with Bryan. He turned into a well-fed and happy animal, which is loved, deliciously fed and constantly looked after.

The life of a cat today can be called fabulous. He reciprocates the warmth of the owner.