The dog comes to the police station to turn himself in, as he is a criminal, but his owner does not know about it yet

Are there criminals that police officers will be happy with?

Of course, yes – if these villains have a tail and increased hairiness!

The dog comes to the police station to turn himself in, as he is a criminal, but his owner does not know about it yet

So, a dog came to the officers from the Odessa Police Department in Texas, on his own, as if he decided to turn himself in and report his crime – that he had run away from the owner!

At 3:30 in the morning, a dog approached the department workers, who clearly wanted to report the incident – that he had run away from home.

“The cops liked this visitor”, said Officer Rusty Martin:

The dog comes to the police station to turn himself in, as he is a criminal, but his owner does not know about it yet

“We were all glad to see him. We had a tennis ball and played with the dog in the lobby. Everyone liked him!”

Although it was fun with the dog, the police did not forget that the dog walks alone and without an owner.

There were no identification marks on the dog’s collar. So the police decided to identify its owner by a chip – for this they called the animal control workers.

The dog comes to the police station to turn himself in, as he is a criminal, but his owner does not know about it yet

But the dog did not wait for the arrival of the animal control service – and quickly slipped out of the station

Apparently, the dog realized that he had already run away for a long time, so he decided to return home:

“He ran away as quickly as he came. The next day, his owner wrote to us, and said that it was his dog, and he had already returned home.”

They live about one and a half kilometers from the site.

The dog comes to the police station to turn himself in, as he is a criminal, but his owner does not know about it yet

The owner of the dog, who, as it turned out, is named Chico, found out about the pet’s escape only the next day.

Edward Alvarado found out that his dog Chico was running away when his nephew wrote to him.

He sent his uncle a Facebook post that the police department dedicated to Chico.

The dog comes to the police station to turn himself in, as he is a criminal, but his owner does not know about it yet

After all, the dog managed to return home before the owner woke up and noticed his absence.

The police station said that they were glad that Chico returned to his owner.

And that the officers would always be glad to see this dog again!